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PTA - Veteran Testimonials - Matthew Lew
Cambooya bushfires 2015
Skippy Badge

I enlisted into the Australian Regular Army in 1996, serving as an infantry soldier in the 5th/7th Battalion (Mechanized), Royal Australian Regiment, attaining the rank of Corporal.  I discharged at my own request in 2003.  


During my service, I deployed to East Timor from 1999 - 2000 and again to Timor Leste in 2002 - 2003.  I witnessed the horror of the aftermath of the Indonesian occupation and militia fuelled violence.  Conversely, I also bore testament to the resilience, determination and generosity of the Timorese people and witnessed the birth of a new nation.  


After leaving the military, I joined the Queensland Police Service (QPS) serving for nearly 15 years throughout Southern Brisbane and the Darling Downs.  During my career, I witnessed some of  the best and worst of humanity and attended far too many tragedies and traumatic scenes. 


Unfortunately, the accumulated effect of these experiences resulted in me being diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress and I left the QPS in 2019.


I have always held an interest in timbercraft and wood working, making furniture and other items for my home.  The opportunity to attend a series of courses with the talented, award winning craftsman Damion Fauser, reignited that passion.


After leaving the QPS, I was at a cross roads in my life after years of military and police service.  I decided to turn my passion for woodworking into fully-fledged small business.


I am married to Roxy, a successful Operations Manager, and have a combined family of four children, Emily, Jarrod, Hannah and Zoe.

Matt and Rox Wedding
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